If you want to learn more about this compound(Quinolin-6-ylboronic acid)Computed Properties of C9H8BNO2, you may wish to communicate with the author of the article,or consult the relevant literature related to this compound(376581-24-7).
Heterocyclic compounds can be divided into two categories: alicyclic heterocycles and aromatic heterocycles. Compounds whose heterocycles in the molecular skeleton cannot reflect aromaticity are called alicyclic heterocyclic compounds. Compound: 376581-24-7, is researched, Molecular C9H8BNO2, about A focused fragment library targeting the antibiotic resistance enzyme – Oxacillinase-48: Synthesis, structural evaluation and inhibitor design, the main research direction is oxacillinase 48 inhibitor antibiotic resistance crystal structure; Benzoic acid derivatives; Crystal structure; Fragments; Inhibition properties; Serine-β-lactamase inhibitors; Structure-guided drug design.Computed Properties of C9H8BNO2.
β-Lactam antibiotics are of utmost importance when treating bacterial infections in the medical community. However, currently their utility is threatened by the emergence and spread of β-lactam resistance. The most prevalent resistance mechanism to β-lactam antibiotics is expression of β-lactamase enzymes. One way to overcome resistance caused by β-lactamases, is the development of β-lactamase inhibitors and today several β-lactamase inhibitors e.g. avibactam, are approved in the clinic. Our focus is the oxacillinase-48 (OXA-48), an enzyme reported to spread rapidly across the world and commonly identified in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. To guide inhibitor design, we used diversely substituted 3-aryl and 3-heteroaryl benzoic acids to probe the active site of OXA-48 for useful enzyme-inhibitor interactions. In the presented study, a focused fragment library containing 49 3-substituted benzoic acid derivatives were synthesized and biochem. characterized. Based on crystallog. data from 33 fragment-enzyme complexes, the fragments could be classified into R1 or R2 binders by their overall binding conformation in relation to the binding of the R1 and R2 side groups of imipenem. Moreover, binding interactions attractive for future inhibitor design were found and their usefulness explored by the rational design and evaluation of merged inhibitors from orthogonally binding fragments. The best inhibitors among the resulting 3,5-disubstituted benzoic acids showed inhibitory potential in the low micromolar range (IC50 = 2.9 μM). For these inhibitors, the complex X-ray structures revealed non-covalent binding to Arg250, Arg214 and Tyr211 in the active site and the interactions observed with the mono-substituted fragments were also identified in the merged structures.
If you want to learn more about this compound(Quinolin-6-ylboronic acid)Computed Properties of C9H8BNO2, you may wish to communicate with the author of the article,or consult the relevant literature related to this compound(376581-24-7).
Highly efficient and robust molecular ruthenium catalysts for water oxidation,
Catalysts | Special Issue : Ruthenium Catalysts – MDPI